WuG on the way through southern Europe: 60 days on the road
WuG - 05-03-2015-2b

WuG stands for Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, which means in English Economy and Society. The motto of this journal is “Analyse & Meinung”, which translates into English analysis & opinion – in that order: first analysis, then opinion. Since the 20th March 2015 I am on the road in the direction of and through southern Europe. Walking, hitchhiking and taking the train. Just to find out what people think about Europe and how they live under the present circumstances determined by the politics we analyse daily in this journal. Today is my 60th day on the road. A good date to give a first quintessence in English language, too, of what kind of Europe I have experienced so far. A Europe strikingly different from the picture generally painted by politics and the mainstream media.

In a nutshell: It is an open and hospitable Europe, an Europe that takes a total stranger in her car to drive him many kilometers in a direction that is not hers´ only to drop him at a place where he can smoothly proceed with his tour, an Europe that leaves a key to a person that she has never met, so that he can open the door to her house and find a place to sleep, it is a thoughtful Europe that thinks of hers´ and others´ people difficulties, it is a helpful Europe giving any person who got lost in a city center or anywhere else the right orientation, it is a generous and caring Europe.

I travelled so far from the doorstep of my home close to Berlin, Germany, to and through France, northern Spain and Portugal. Now I travel back to Spain from Beja, Portugal, in the direction of Sevilla first, to see what´s going on in southern Spain. After that I still have to find my way to Italy and Greece.

Step by step I publish my writings on this journey, so far only in German language and for people who subscribe this journal. Since more and more English speaking persons follow the tour I already write some daily notes on in English language, too. You´re cordially invited to follow those writings. Should there be enough English speaking readers who would like to subscribe this journal I would consider to translate the stories in English language, too.

Florian Mahler


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