English summary: Each month WuG presents a media analysis answering the question how often German parties, represented in the national parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany, Deutsche Bundestag, are being interviewed by German public broadcasting. This in our view is decisive for a democratic formation of opinion. The high imbalances we found out so far resulted already in a case at the broadcasting commission. The final answer of this commission which we received is not at all convincing. On the contrary, the letter of the chairman of the broadcasting commission poses new questions. Against this background we found out in a further analysis that according to our information more than one third of the membership of the broadcasting commission is active in a political party and had or have a certain political rank in it, among them the chairman and the deputy chairman of the broadcasting commission. This contrasts with a judgement of the Federal Constitutional Court as we have outlined in the same article. Moreover, whereas the parties CDU, CSU, SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen are represented in the broadcasting commission the left party “Die Linke” is not. One regular result of our analysis is that the public radio station Deutschlandfunk interviews politicians of the left party far less than those of the other parties represented in the national parliament. However, it is less important which party is strikingly underrepresented in public-broadcasting, but rather that one party is strikingly underrepresented at all – for years. Moreover, the unequal distribution of interviews among the parties, the high incidence of interviews with politicians of the green party has negative consequences for all parties as our figures indicate, too.
Auch im Jahr 2016 setzen wir unsere monatliche Medienanalyse fort. Nach der unbefriedigenden Antwort des Hörfunkrats auf unsere Programmbeschwerde im vergangenen Jahr haben wir die Zusammensetzung des Hörfunkrats selbst untersucht (siehe zum Ergebnis hier). Die Antworten des Hörfunkrats zeugen von kompletter Ignoranz. Es scheint, als könnte er sich das leisten. Hier die Ergebnisse für den Monat September und das dritte Quartal 2016…Medienanalyse, September und drittes Quartal 2016: Wie häufig kamen die Parteien im öffentlichen Rundfunk zu Wort (neu seit Mai 2016: nachrichtlich ergänzt um AfD und FDP)? (vollständiger Beitrag im Abonnement)
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