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Archiv für WuG Unterwegs
WuG unterwegs: Tag 60, 20. Mai 2015 – Sevilla
English Summary: From the 20th of March until the 9th July 2015 my Labrador and I were together on the road to and through southern Europe, walking, hitchhiking and by train (see also here). The experiences we made are being published as travel stories, under subscription and so far only in German language.
WuG unterwegs im Süden Europas: Ein Jahr ist es her
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,
WuG unterwegs: Tag 58 bis 60, 18. bis 20. Mai 2015 – Von Serpa nach Sevilla
English Summary: From the 20th of March until the 9th July 2015 my Labrador and I were together on the road to and through southern Europe, walking, hitchhiking and by train (see also here). The experiences we made are being published as travel stories, under subscription and so far only in German language.
WuG unterwegs: Tag 58, 18. Mai 2015 – Von Beja nach Serpa
English Summary: From the 20th of March until the 9th July 2015 my Labrador and I were together on the road to and through southern Europe, walking, hitchhiking and by train (see also here). The experiences we made are being published as travel stories, under subscription and so far only in German language.
WuG unterwegs: Tag 54 bis Tag 58, 14. Mai bis 18. Mai 2015 – Beja
English Summary: From the 20th of March until the 9th July 2015 my Labrador and I were together on the road to and through southern Europe, walking, hitchhiking and by train (see also here). The experiences we made are being published as travel stories, under subscription and so far only in German language.